Shunho Stock Won the Second Prize of “Women’s Day on March 8” Taopu Town Knowledge Contest

On March 12, in order to celebrate the 109th Women’s Day on March 8, Taopu Town Federation of Trade Unions launched the Female Employees’ Knowledge Contest Activity in the fifth Festival for Employee Education, Culture and Sports with the theme of “Women Creating a Great Cause and Building a Beautiful Taopu ”. Gu Huiming, deputy chairman of Taopu Town People's Congress and chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions; Luo Yan, director of Grassroots Work Department of Putuo District Federation of Trade Unions and deputy director of Female Employees’ Committee; Chen Guiping, vice chairman of Town Federation of Trade Unions, She Feng, chairman of Town Women's Federation; Wang Ya, vice chairman of Town Federation of Trade Unions; and Zhang Min, director of Female Employees’ Committee of the Town Federation of Trade Unions, as well as 24 teams from the Park, villages, companies and ities have participated in the event.


As one of the participating teams, Shunho Stock has participated in the event, three employees from the International Trade Department, Enterprise Management Department and the President Office respectively has won the Second Prize with distinction for Shunho Stock due to knowledge reserves in the early stage and improvisation on the spot. Women’s creation of a great cause lies in both cultivating their moral character and sticking to their post. Female employees of Shunho Stock, together with the women of Taopu Town, have presented their inner strength, shown their charm and make another brilliant achievement in building “Charming Taopu”

In the preliminary contest, the trade unions at the town, park and enterprise levels have organized female employees to study and conduct self-competition in accordance with the documents issued by the town federation of trade unions. Through overall strength assessment of every participating team, there are totally 24 representative teams were selected to participate the semifinal and the finals on the spot. The semifinal was written exam questions and one member would be selected from the participating team to answer the questions and only top 6 scorers could enter the final contest.


After the contest was over, the participating leaders presented the award to every participating team, congratulating them for their excellent achievements, encouraging them to make persistent efforts, actively making post-related innovation and gathering the strength to build a “Beautiful Taopu”. Luo Yan, director of the Department of Rights and Interests Protection of Putuo District Federation of Trade Unions and deputy director of Female Employees’ Committee, made a speech. She had affirmed the work of Taopu Town Federation of Trade Unions over the years and hoped that all female employees rely on their own efforts and perseverance to create their own brilliant life and become a new woman in the new era.

The Women’s Day on “March 8” is a grand event for the female compatriots all over the world. A knowledge contest will not only enrich knowledge reserves of female employees but also improve their legal awareness so that female employees can actively take the initiative to safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests, create a stage for everyone to show their personal charm, cultivate their sentiments, improve their accomplishment, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of female employees and become women with more self-esteem, self-confidence, self-improvement and independence.


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